
Dear Friends,

We want to share with you about the project “Polin Rokedet” [hebr. Dancing Poland] – a unique weekend festival of Israeli Dances and Culture, that will take place in the middle of June in the central part of Poland. The aim of the festival is to give participants a chance to experience the rich and vivid culture of Israel, and to experience the great joy of dancing together in unity, equality and acceptance.

The project was founded in 2013 by Miriam and Natalia Hakenberg, who wanted to share their love of Israel and Israeli Folk Dances with Poland. The festival is supported by the Israeli Embassy, and every year it attracts more people from different regions in Poland and from all over the world – regardless of age, nationality and even dance skills.

Every year we engage a team of respected, professional and passionate dance teachers and choreographers. This coming June 7th-9th, we are honored to welcome Oren Ashkenazi and Miriam and Natalia Hakenberg as instructors.

In order to enable participants with different dance backgrounds to enjoy the experience, simultaneous workshops will be divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons. Participants will learn old and new Israeli dances – as well as their meaning – step by step, at an appropriate pace.

But Polin Rokedet is not only about dancing itself – through the lyrics of the songs, stories, exhibitions and concerts, art and culinary classes, participants discover the rich and vivid culture of Israel. The festival also gives everyone a chance to share a part of their own culture. Participation in Polin Rokedet festival is a wonderful opportunity for strengthening relationships between different generations and nations.

Organizing such an event entails extra costs that are covered partially by organizers and participants. As organizers, we don’t receive any compensation for our work on the festival – we do it as volunteers, with hearts filled with passion and love to what we do. We try to keep the price reasonable, to make it accessible to students and pensioners as well as whole families.  Therefore any financial help will be deeply appreciated.

We need help to cover the cost of:

  • salary for the dance instructors
  • travel costs of the instructors
  • sound system

Special thanks to our precious supporters: The Israeli Embassy in Poland, third-party organizations and our friends. Their assistance provided:

  • movies with Israeli and Jewish motifs
  • concerts of Jewish music (artists include: Jarmuła Band, Paulina & Szymon Stateczny with band, Violetta Avitsland)
  • art and culinary workshops, promoting Israeli culture
  • singing workshops of traditional Jewish songs
  • the “Israel – yesterday and today” exhibition”

You can watch the pictures from previous editions of the festival HERE.

If you wish to support our project, please make a donation via bank transfer or use the button below:

Recipient’s name: Fundacja Strefa Dialogu
Address: ul. Solec 81B m73A, 00-382 Warsaw
IBAN: PL34 1140 2004 0000 3712 0618 0634
with a transfer titled:  Donation for Polin Rokedet project.

In case of further questions, please contact us at polin.rokedet@gmail.com

Miriam & Natalia Hakenberg
with Polin Rokedet Team